Thursday, July 15, 2010

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

fag jumpsuit

I really like this new jumper I made. I can fit into it and move around without busting the seems!!! I bought this fabric last year, but I'm finally getting around to using it. I wanted to make like and Easter Sunday special dress sadly I forgot when Easter was. Guess I know I've been away from home too long when I start to forget my own cultures holidays!
The design reminds me of MC Hammer. I remember falling in love with MC Hammer pants. My first pair were a darker shade of purple with black polka dots.
The idea to write fag came across my mind as an added accessory. I had been thinking a lot about the recent discord of human rights in Itawamba Agricultural High School. This is where I went to school so its probably why I felt Constance McMillen's pain. She was recently rejected to go to her senior year prom for being gay. This decline is of course the most painful. Many of my friends have worked very hard to never let anything like this ever happen, I even joined a protest against "Love in Action" in Memphis Tennessee shortly before moving to Tokyo.
I also felt peturbed at the fact she couldn't wear a tuxedo like she had asked. This goes against the freedom of expression. I wonder if they would let me wear my fag jumpsuit to my 10 year reunion?
Also I took a picture of some shoes I got sick of looking at and spray painted. Now they are new again!!
Will try to find more interesting places to take my photos in the future-haahh!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

This is a barret I made. I guess being in Tokyo one of the biggest fashion capitals of the world has made me think about how I present myself to the world in a much bigger way. I was thinking about the differences pro and con of living in a city verses a country town.
In a city we are always in someones face. Literally! Walking in the train stations on the train on the street we are always 5 inches or in the case of Tokyo sometimes 5 nano cc. I think this is why people in cities tend to dress up more.
Point being I as someone who freaks out a little when I find someone has the same shirt, bag, shoes etc. So I've been on a journey of making my own. Even hair barrets.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Appliqued fabric from Nippori town........
This is a shirt I just made up with no thought at all. I thought this one yoga pose complimented it well. Applique is the technique used on this one.....One of my favorite techniques because its sooooooooo easy to do! I almost want to sew something and turn it inside out. In my fibers class during a critque it always happened where we would all turn what we made inside out and be at awe at the beauty of how messy it was. That really struck a cord with me!
I like small pieces of fabric with no place to go, they remind me of my moms sewing room. When I was growing up I always watched her sew. Her little pieces of fabric all over the place making a quilt. Also my grandmother's tomatoe that held the pins. Children are so textural, I always wanted to touch everything. Perhaps I became addicted to the touch of fabric. This reminds me of the song "A coat of many colors" by Dolly Pardon. This song always makes me cry.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

sewing and consistency

I haven't posted a blog in a while. I'd just decided to wait until we had our music finished to start posting again. Until I've heard from a few friends that they miss looking at what I create. I wasn't aware of this so I will be making a few things from now until we put up our first song.
I will go to Nippori soon to get some new fabric to start making my clothes for summer time. I've been very disheartened by the current trends that have hit Tokyo, not interested in trends anyways. So want to make my whole summer wardrobe!!!!!!
Stay tuned to view my summer outfits........The above is more for spring...Just a few re-makes!!